Burn Bright

Online Course for Yr 9-11 Students
Burn Bright | Lead with Purpose Hui
August 14th 2023, 12pm-4pm

The NZ Boarding Schools’ Association, in collaboration with Burn Bright Aotearoa, are proud to present the first Online Student Leadership Hui – Lead With Purpose. This Hui is for rangatahi between Years 9-11 that currently hold leadership positions, aspire to leadership or who you believe exhibit the potential for leadership in their community. Throughout a jammed packed 4 hours, students will learn invaluable leadership skills through a unique online experience. This will include tailored practical sessions by Burn Bright and their facilitation team. We will also be joining 4 incredible guest speakers sharing their insights and experience and with a chance for a vibrant Q&A. All participants will also virtually meet, interact and learn from other rangatahi across Aotearoa to not only network but gain a greater perspective.

Important information – In order to fully participate in the virtual hui, students must have their own devices and headphones. To facilitate breakout room conversations, it is recommended that students have access to separate spaces.